7 Questions to ask your Solicitor before you hire them

Hiring a solicitor for the first time can be daunting – you want someone that will get you the result you want with minimal stress. That’s why we’ve come up with 7 questions to ask your Solicitor BEFORE you hire them.

1. What costs should I expect and when will I be expected to pay?

It’s no secret that costs can vary greatly from firm to firm and even solicitor to solicitor so this is a very important question to ask your Solicitor before you hire them. Some solicitors have set fees for certain tasks or situations whilst others will have an hourly rate. If you are paying by the hour, make sure you have all your questions and information at hand before making a call or attending an appointment so you can minimise your costs. By having this information upfront, you can ensure you budget accordingly and avoid bill shock! 

2. Who will be handling my issue?

If you choose a larger law firm, you want to know exactly who will be working on your case. Will it be a junior or senior solicitor? This can be an important question to ask your solicitor before you hire them as sometimes having multiple people handling the case without knowing you, can affect your outcome. At LWA Solicitors, you will deal directly with your solicitor so you can be sure you aren’t treated like a number. 

3. How and how often will you communicate with me?

If your solicitor deals only via email and you are terrible with emails, that might not be the best match for you. Likewise, if you are unavailable via phone during working hours and your solicitor prefers to talk on the phone then that might not work either. You also don’t want to be left wondering if they have forgotten about you if you haven’t heard from them in a while. That’s why this is an important question to ask your solicitor.  When you have a clear expectation of how and when they communicate, it may alleviate some unnecessary stress.

4. What experience have you had in cases similar to mine?

You don’t want to leave your legal outcomes to chance by hiring a solicitor who has zero experience with your type of case. By asking this question before you hire your solicitor, you can find one who has tried and tested approaches for your matter. They may have specific experience that will aid you in achieving a desired result. In addition to that, they may have relevant contacts that will be helpful in supporting your case. Whilst experience often does affect price, you want to be sure you are getting the best possible solicitor for your case and your budget.

5. How long have you been practicing law?

Every solicitor starts somewhere, however, if your case is a more intricate or tricky one, you may prefer to have a senior solicitor working for you. With experience comes contacts, on the job knowledge and reputation which are all things that may benefit your outcome. It’s not to say that solicitors that are new to the field are not fantastic at what they do, it’s just something you may want to consider before you hire your solicitor.

6. Do you have any specific skills, qualifications or experience other than a law degree that may assist me in this matter?

You never know what past experience or skills your potential solicitor may have until you ask this question. Hiring a solicitor that has specific skills related to your case, may not only help your case but also allow you to hire someone with similar interests that may encourage a stronger relationship. We all like working with people we know, like and trust and this may just help build that. For example, Euan, our principal solicitor is a musician in his spare time so he is especially helpful on cases involving the music industry.

7. What is the legal process/timeline involved and how long will my matter take to be resolved? 

An experienced solicitor will have a good understanding of how long certain things take within the legal system. They will also be able to clearly outline the process that will be followed and define what you will need to provide at certain points throughout the process so you can be prepared and minimise the time taken. When you aren’t experienced in these matters yourself, this can also alleviate stress and give you confidence in choosing your solicitor.


When you ask these questions of your solicitor before you hire them, you will ensure you are on the right track and potentially avoid longer term headaches from choosing a solicitor that’s not the right fit.  At LWA Solicitors, we welcome these questions. Why not book a no-obligation chat to see if one of our solicitors is the right fit for you?

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